The Red light district i Amsterdam har ændret sig en del siden 2007 hvor den hollandske regering gik ind og lukkede mange af bordellerne ned. Området er nu blevet det nye modemekka i Amsterdam, nye unge talent designere er blevet bedt om at fylde de tomme vinduer op med deres kollektionen, inden BZérne kommer og overtager de tomme lejemål.
Med respekt fra områdets historie har de unge designere prøvet at holde samme stil, det siges også, at der er planer om at lidt større modehuse også har tænkt sig at rykke til området.
The Red light district in Amsterdam has changed some since 2007 when the Dutch government went in and closed many of the brothel operators down. The area has now become the new fashion mecca in Amsterdam, new young talented designers have been asked to fill the empty windows with their collection before the BZér come and take over the empty spaces.
With respect from the area's history, the young designers tried to keep the same style. Also there are rumors saying, slightly bigger fashion houses also intends to move to the area.
With respect from the area's history, the young designers tried to keep the same style. Also there are rumors saying, slightly bigger fashion houses also intends to move to the area.
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